New 5.3 release
Hey Pie users! We have been busy working on fixing a number of bugs over the past few months. In addition, we're pleased to announce that we managed to get in the following new features...
*** UPDATE January 2020 *** This post’s screenshots for Pie are in the old version. Today, you must see our exciting new Pie!
Only Milestones List View
The first one is the new Only Milestone view. Let's say you have a large a complex project and just want to quickly see how it's doing with key milestone activities. Now you can easily get this view.
The Planning tab now has an "Only Milestone" button. When selected, it will display your project structure (i.e., slices and boxes) with only milestones displayed. If you want to see a straight list of milestones, select the Only Milestone "As a List" button.
Metrics Report Link to Milestones
You can now click on the blue links under the Milestones Completed column to get directed to the Planning tab inside of that project and view your milestones. The image below shows the location of the milestone links.
To navigate to this view in your Pie account, click the Dashboard tab, the Portfolio Metrics tab, click on your Business Units to expand the list, and click on the Total Projects link under a specific BU to open the Total Projects list below.
Entire Team To-dos View
Our To-do list page has been handy for showing your own or your team member's work. However, a number of customers asked to view not only one person's load for the day or week, but the entire team's load for a particular project.
We now have this covered with the new "Project" filter and the new "Entire Team" view filter.
To make this work, you would first need to be a manager on a project (or have executive view status) to see other team members' work. Then, filter to your desired project. Lastly, select "Entire Team" from the person drop down list.
Access Box Files from Step
In the past, you had to go to the process box's file tab to see all the files under a process box. Now, with this new feature, you can view those files directly from a step's file folder window.
This is especially handy if you're working from your To-do list and need to access a file that is not attached to the step, but is associated with the process box this step belongs to.
Click on the file folder of a step and then notice the buttons "Action Step" and "Process Box". Clicking on "Process Box" will change the file list view to all files under that box. Nice.
Copy and Paste Box
This new feature allows you to copy a box in the Pie Template layer with all of its steps and files and then paste it in some other location in the same layer or in some other layer.
This is really great for leveraging a box with steps that needs to be used in some other location. Click the box's sprocket (or right-click the box) to get the edit options. Select "Copy Box for Pasting."
Then you can go to another part of your layer or to an entirely different layer and right-click on the layer's slice cell and choose "Paste Box." That's it!
Copy URL on Steps
You can now copy a step's URL and paste it in another URL address bar to navigate directly to that step in another window. Simply right click on a step in your project and click on 'Copy URL Reference.' Open another tab or window and paste the URL. Pie will load to the location of the copied step and the step will be highlighted in green for a few seconds. You can also do this with your My To-do steps. This feature is not authorized in PIE Templates.
Other Features!
You can now zoom in and zoom out. For Macs: Click the Cmd+ ] to zoom in and Cmd [ to zoom out. For PCs: Click Ctrl+] to zoom in and Ctrl+[ to zoom out.
We made it easier for you to see the green check and red x icon that activates during our drag and drop feature- i.e. during assigning roles and dragging steps.
Now, every time you create a Personal To-do, the due date will automatically be set to today's date so you can quickly create personal to-dos.
No longer do you have to be a Project Administrator or Project Manager of a project to mark steps as 'Not Needed.' Now you have the ability to mark your own step as 'Not Needed!' You are also able to change your step's state back to Not Started, In Progress, Completed, etc., if need be.
We added a 'Next Week' category in your To-do list. Now, 'Later' means any task with dates set after next week.
Now, when creating an issue/risk on a step, the Issues & Risks window includes the step's name written at the top.
If you are not supposed to edit the date in the Scheduling Window of a step or a box, instead of just a grayed out schedule that you cannot click, we added a mouse tip when hovering over the calendar that says "Cannot edit."
When accessing your to-dos and you social feed, a loading pie icon spins when loading all of your to-dos or social feed. If you do not have any to-dos or stories, instead of a blank page, you will see "You don't have any assigned to-dos in Pie right now" or "No stories to show!"
Now, tabs that are open in your browsers will say Pie instead of PIEmatrix, distinguishing between Pie- the app name- and PieMatrix- our company name.
Team members no longer have the option to Add a Baseline in the Project's Planning Tab.
And probably some other things not mentioned above. Enjoy!
Plus, we fixed bugs :)
We have been busy stomping out a bunch of nasty and not so nasty critters.