Top 10 Project Ingredients
Ever wonder what makes a great project? We believe it is the right ingredients and the approach to making the ingredients work well together. We have come up with a list of 10 items to consider for making successful outcomes:
Build your process content with as few steps as possible, adding more details later.
Start action tasks labels with a verb and make them easy to understand what to do.
Give the tasks complete how-to descriptions to help new workers quickly learn the best way.
Limit people assignments to only one in each task as the task’s owner, and..
If more people need to do different parts of the same task, then make separate tasks for each person.
If more people need to do the exact same task, then identify the “owner” of that task as the responsible person who should mark it complete.
Mark your task’s progress on the day you start it and the day you finish it.
Stay on top of progress daily and solve problems as soon as they pop up.
Ask others for help, give help to others, and keep conversations with the content.
Capture lessons learned, improve your content, keep it fresh and innovative.
Written by Paul Dandurand
Photo by Todd Quackenbush