Celebrate 2024 New Features!


2024 is is coming to an end and it’s time to summarize what we released as major features in 2024, such as AI and more modularity. The following are only the highlights. If you would like to see the full list, check out our release notes page.

Generative AI

At the end of 2023 and through the first half of 2024 we introduced three major AI features. We integrated OpenAI GPT-4o into Pie using their API. The main AI features were added in phases over several months. Here are the three areas with AI. Click on each link for a full article explaining them in detail, including how-to videos.
See a recent blog about AI with some video examples.

We provided a large number of free AI tokens for our customers to use AI and included a built-in token counter.

New Modularity Features

Pie was built from the ground up as a Lego-style modular model to help make project management more successful with content repeatability. In 2024, we expanded our component model as follows:

Modularity Copy from Box (February) – Copy task list from another box in any project or recipe

Streamline your project planning and execution content by duplicating entire task lists from one process box to another. This makes it easier to leverage knowledge and maintain consistency across multiple projects or recipes.

Modularity Copy from Slice (February) – Copy task list from another slice in any project or recipe

Similar to the copy from box feature, this allows you to leverage task lists and their content from another project slice or recipe slice. You can ensure that recurring processes can be implemented effortlessly.

Modularity Copy or Move To (December) - Copy or move process box and its content to other locations

The above Copy from Box is like a “pull method”. You are pulling content from another location. Whereas, this extra feature is a “push method”. Moving or copying a process box and its content to new locations allows for easy reuse of critical content.

In summary, rather than create content from scratch for each project, Pie’s modularity components allow your teams to build a library of successful content as components for reusability.

Other Features

Along with new AI features and expanded modularity functions, we’ve also released several other key features. Below is a list of the most interesting ones. Check out our release notes page for a full view of all features and bug fixes.

  • Data Download (February) – Added work effort and time hours posted fields to the Assignment Data report. The Data Download page allows you to export project data into CSV or Excel format, making it easy to use in Pivot Tables or with third-party business analytics tools.

  • Project Report (April) – Updated the budget setup page for manual total budget entry. You can now establish your total project budget as a baseline.

  • More Button (May) – Added a “delete all tasks from list” option. This one-click feature allows you to delete a list of tasks under a project slice or process box.

  • People Timeline (August) – Introduced new filtering options and improved user experience. For example, you can now filter the resource planning page by showing or hiding report graphics based on your needs.

  • Duplicate Projects (October) – Added a duplicate project feature. Customers requested a way to establish a baseline project plan with task dates to compare against future timelines as task completion dates shift. This feature simplifies baselining. You can also duplicate a project with dates and assignments to create a replica for a new project without using a recipe.

  • Data Download (December) – Added a project filter feature for exporting reports. Previously, export files included all projects under your organization. Now, you can specify a single project for export.

  • Data Download (December) – Introduced a new download report for full project structures. This complete project data export allows for re-import into Pie as a project. This is useful when transferring projects to a new Pie organization, such as a client’s Pie account, when direct drag-and-drop isn’t possible due to admin restrictions.

We wish you a Happy New Year! Reach out any time if you have questions or would like to learn more about the above features.

Written by: Paul Dandurand, Pie Founder

Banner photo by Kaydn Ito

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